Dragnet L.A. can confirm that Los Angeles County taxpayers have foot the bill for millions of dollars spent on high priced lawyers and settlements defending the misconduct of Steve Cooley, and his anti labor hatchet woman, Jackie Lacey.
In a published opinion, Federal District Judge Otis D. Wright found Cooley and Lacey's anti labor tactics "striking and rampant." The Federal Court granted a preliminary injunction ordering Cooley and other county officials not to discipline or discriminate against prosecutors for belonging to the union which would remain in effect for the rest of Cooley’s tenure
Lacey has spent much of the past few weeks, responding to reports that she lied under oath when questioned during a hearing conducted by the Employee Relations Commission.
One longtime member of the downtown Justice community told the Dragnet, "This episode where Lacey lied under oath, disqualifies her as a serious candidate for District Attorney." She blamed it on "confusion" and "low blood sugar" on the day she was questioned. "What happens if she gets confused while determining the fate of an innocent defendant, who's been wrongly accused of a crime, such as Brian Banks who spent 5 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit?"
Lacey testified at a July 2009 hearing that she told a prosecutor who was considering joining the union’s bargaining team that “it was a bad idea” because Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley strongly disliked the union. She agreed that she also told the same prosecutor, a close friend of hers, that Cooley thought the union would be a disaster and that he didn’t like the union, according to a transcript from the hearing.
Six months later, Lacey testified at another hearing for the same dispute but said she never told the prosecutor that Cooley didn’t like the union or thought it would be a disaster.
Since this episode took place, the County taxpayers have had to shell out millions in settlements and legal fees to settle numerous lawsuits against Cooley and Lacey. An important taxpayer advocate observed, "At a time when public services are being cut, having to waste millions on this kind of conduct, when Cooley and Lacey should know better, is outrageous. Can't wait to see them both leave the office."
Los Angeles County will pay $575,000 to settle part of a federal law suit claiming that Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley and his managers waged an anti-union campaign, according to a settlement agreement filed in court. The settlement, which must be approved by the Board of Supervisors, would pay $125,000 to the prosecutors’ union and $450,000 to Deputy Dist. Atty. Marc Debbaudt, who a county employment commission found was transferred in retaliation for his union activity. After the preliminary federal injunction was issued, D.A. Cooley announced he will retire next year at the end of his third term.
Matthew Monforton, an attorney representing the Assn. of Deputy District Attorneys, hailed the settlement as a victory for the union and described Cooley’s conduct as “outrageous and illegal.”Earlier this year, the county’s Employee Relations Commission upheld the findings of a hearing officer who concluded that veteran prosecutors were transferred to less desirable assignments as a result of their union work.
LA County Board of Supervisors finally paid Marc Debbaut what was owed to him. Steve Ipsen, former President of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, and Hyatt Seligman, current President of the ADDA will start their federal trial against Steve Cooley and his union busting actions in June. Jones Day will be defending Cooley and is expected to bill the county millions of dollars in billable hours. This trial is expected to come at a hefty price to the tax payers and prove Jackie Lacey and Steve Cooley violated federal law and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
My Blog List
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Here is our early handicap of the candidates based on what we know thus far:
Is our early favorite. He’s raised by far the most money (approximately $1.5 million in 12 months), and has the most impressive list of endorsements. He stumbled early with multiple hair-brained campaign goof-ups. But right now seems like the only candidate with enough fuel in his jets to get him over the finish line. Seems to have broad support from Labor, Latinos and establishment types like California Governor Jerry Brown, former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan and L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca.
Yes it’s true: Joined
the office when Joe Busch was D.A
Is our early favorite. He’s raised by far the most money (approximately $1.5 million in 12 months), and has the most impressive list of endorsements. He stumbled early with multiple hair-brained campaign goof-ups. But right now seems like the only candidate with enough fuel in his jets to get him over the finish line. Seems to have broad support from Labor, Latinos and establishment types like California Governor Jerry Brown, former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan and L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca.
Pluses: Healthy fundraising, high name recognition, nice guy, a true
independent: Minuses: multiple hair-brained campaign goof-ups; signed a
pledge in November 2008 to not seek higher office.
Endorsements: California Governor Jerry Brown, Superintendent
of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson, L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca, Los Angeles
County Federation of Labor, Former L.A. Mayor Richard Riordan, The Mexican
American Bar Association PAC. SFV Congressman Brad Sherman Congressman John
Garamendi, L.A. County Supervisor Don Knabe, Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster;
Hawthorne Mayor Dan Juarez, National Latino Peace Officers Association. California
Narcotics Officers Association, Latin American Law Enforcement Association, State
Senators Darrell Steinberg, Ted Lieu, Kevin De Leon, Ron Calderon, Lou Correa, and Gil Cedillo; L.A. City
Councilmen Dennis Zine, Mitch Englander, Tom LeBonge, Joe Busciano, Bill Rosendahl, and Jose
Huizar, San Francisco D.A. George Gascon, Orange County Sheriff, Sandra
Hutchens, former Laker Shaquille O’Neal, Torrance Mayor Frank Scotto, Redondo Beach
Police Officers Association, El Monte Mayor Andre Quintero, Lancaster Mayor R
Rex Parris, former D.A. Candidate and Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo,
Los Angeles Port Police Association, Los Angeles General Services Police
Association, Law enforcement Association of Asian Pacifics.
What the buzz is saying: He’s the candidate to beat. Fund
raising and endorsements continue to pour in.
Most insiders expect he’ll win, if not in June, then in November.
Yes it’s true:
Attends black churches every Sunday.
Running to be the first black woman to become District
Attorney of Los Angeles. Lacey should poll ahead of Alan Jackson, Danette Meyers and
Bobby Grace. She has the most seniority of them all. She has the endorsement of
Steve Cooley (which so far hasn’t seemed to help her much.), and the L.A.
Pluses: Currently serves as Chief Deputy in the
office; Cooley& LA Times endorsements;
Minuses: Support for Lacey has been tepid at best.
Little to no name recognition. Cost the County millions defending her and
Cooley’s union busting efforts; Perjured herself in a Federal Civil case.
No war chest to promote her impressive endorsements. Fund
raising has been anemic lately. Has only raised approximately $425,000 in 17
months. Her allegiance to Republican Cooley seems to turn off Democrats, and
doesn’t seem to be helping much with Republicans. Moderate Republicans will vote for Trutanich;
Hard right-wingers will vote for Jackson. Handful of Cooley Republican friends
will vote for Lacey. Will split African
American vote with Danette Meyers and Bobby Grace. Labor expected to spend
heavily against her for past Union Busting tactics.
Endorsements: Current D.A. Steve Cooley. Former L.A.
Public Defender Mike Judge, L.A. City Councilman Bernard Parks; SFV Cong.
Howard Berman; Michele Beals Bagneris, City Attorney of Pasadena; Barry
Brucker, Mayor of Beverly Hills; Charisse Bremond Weaver, President of the
Brotherhood Crusade, L.A. Times, Daily News (split with Jackson), Long Beach
Press Telegram, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, PORAC (split with Jackson).
What the buzz is saying: Cooley endorsement doesn’t
seem to be helping her. Turns-off Democrats and a lot of her natural base. Labor,
Latinos and Democrats supporting other candidates. Could make it into the run-off.
Yes it’s true:
Actual residence is outside L.A. County. Was on Trutanich Transition
Team.in 2009.
So far has run a puzzling campaign; raised a respectable
$500,000 in campaign funds in over 18 months, but has appeared to burn through
most of it several months before the first votes are cast.
Pluses: Several high-profile convictions; the only
staunch Republican in the race.
Minuses: Is
running as a Pete Wilson-Newt Gingrich Republican in a County that’s only 24%
registered Republican. Has come out against Labor Unions, Latinos, and other
Democrats. Has burned through 90% of campaign funds months before the first
vote is cast.
Endorsements: Former California Governor Pete Wilson;
L.A. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich; State Senator Ted Strickland; Congressman
“Buck” McKeon”; Long Beach City Attorney Robert Shannon, Police Associations
from the cities of Alhambra, Arcadia, Azuza, San Gabriel, Inglewood, and El
Monte including retired Police Chiefs of El Monte, Conservative Radio Host Hugh
What the buzz is saying: Spent too much time and
money attacking Trutanich and not enough raising his name ID. Lacey
will get more votes than him. Will
come in 3rd.
Yes it’s true:
Recently married.
Also running to be the first black woman to become District
Attorney of Los Angeles. Endorsements are tepid and fund raising is
anemic. She beat out Jaquelyn Lacey for Democratic Party endorsements.
Pluses: Well-respected in the legal community. Former
President of L.A. County Bar Association
Little to no name recognition. Will split African American vote with Lacey
and Bobby Grace. Anemic fundraising of $160,000 in over a year with very little
left for the final two weeks of the primary campaign.
Former L.A. County D.A. Gil Garcetti, Former Deputy D.A. John Lynch,
Quincy Jones, Beverly Hills Police Officers Association; Stonewall Democratic
Clubs, Beverly Hills, and West Hollywood Democratic Clubs; Association of
Deputy District Attorneys, National Woman Political Caucus, Culver City
Democratic Club.
What the buzz is saying: Vendetta against Cooley and
Lacey. Temperamental. Speaks her mind.
Might be looking to leverage her campaign to gain a promotion in the
D.A’s office. Has no chance.
Yes it’s true:
Fed-up with the Cooley-Lacey regime. Prosecuted Lindsay Lohan for
necklace theft until case was kicked to Trutanich’s office.
Might be the most steady and consistent prosecutor in the
race. Consistently gets convictions in high profile murder cases.
Definitely has a bright future as a Prosecutor or in private practice.
Pluses: Nice guy. Good lawyer. Promising future. Minuses: Little to no name recognition. Will split
African American vote with Lacey and Meyers. Raised less than $75,000 for
campaign in over 17 months, which demonstrates anemic support. Practically no campaign funds left.
Rick Tuttle (former L.A. County Tax Assessor); Rita Walters, former L.A.
City Councilwoman (9th District), several prominent African American
lawyers in private practice.
What the buzz is saying:
Won’t make it into the run-off.
Yes it’s true: Has
the most Facebook friends of any candidate.
In every race there’s always one “joke” candidate. Think Pat
Paulsen for President or Gary Coleman for California Governor. The beautiful
thing about America is anyone with a filing fee and enough legitimate
signatures can run for office. John Breault
III is that candidate in the 2012 primary for Los Angeles County District
Pluses: Blank
slate. Deputy D.A. for 43 years. Public knows nothing about him.
Minuses: No
name ID. No funds to promote candidacy.
None announced to date.
What the buzz is saying: 69 year old looney who’s
about to reitre from the D.A’s office after 43 years. Probably wants to tell
his grandchildren he once was on the ballot.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
I'm a legend. Just ask me. |
Today, in a tweet to Berger's L.A. Dragnet twitter account, Zuma, the L.A. Legend and Mayoral Candidate pleaded with Berger to "stop sending me" your asinine tweets. See the Tweet below.
@DragnetLA: Does it require a cash payment to have you stop sending me "@"ZumaDogg tweets? It would REALLY improve the quality of my life. about 8 hours ago
It seems as though the blogging community has finally figured out that Berger can be counted on for nothing more than an endless stream of fabricated anti Trutanich vitriol which has done nothing but propel Trutanich into the front-runners spot in the race to become L.A.County's next District Attorney.
But I stay up all night sending out these tweets |
Sunday, March 11, 2012
What are you lookin' at? |
First, Berger posted some phony poll in the race for Los Angeles County D.A. It was an "unofficial" poll supposedly conducted by an "unknown, unnamed, and unidentified group. " There was no data for sampling size, margin of error, methodology, or anything that a real poll would include. Berger simply invented the data. in order to disparage Lacey's competition in the D.A's race. The only fact Berger got right was that Lacey was losing the race behind Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich, and Deputy District Attorneys Alan Jackson and Mario Trujillo.
Then, Berger claimed Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo was dropping out of the race for Los Angeles County D.A. because he was going to run for Los Angeles City Attorney. Trujillo put out a statement saying "he was dropping out due to health considerations."
Berger ended the week with a totally fraudulent claim that FOX L.A's newsman Jeff Michaels ambushed Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich in a live televised interview last Friday afternoon. Jeff Michaels responded with a Twitter message that said "the interview wasn't an ambush." One examination of the interview, which is available at http://www.myfoxla.com/ will show that Michaels asked topical questions and Trutanich tried to focus on the issues.
What's even more head scratching is that Berger seems to have aligned himself with David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsman, an admitted mentally ill blogger and candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles.
The lame stream media finds Berger has no credibility, and most reputable blogs won't go near him with a 10 foot poll. The only publication that references him is the Metropolitan News, and that's only because they're part of the Cooley-Lacey political smear operation. Just check out all their articles criticizing the ADDA (Association of Deputy District Attorneys), but nothing on all the lawsuits the County is paying for all of Cooley's & Lacey's union busting tactics.
It's one thing for an unemployed, mentally-ill, homeless chap to blog about various issues, it's quite another for a Deputy District Attorney who is an Officer of the Court, and a member of the State Bar of California to put out 100% fabricated nonsense in an effort to spread disinformation and smear political opponents.
This may be another reason why change is needed at the highest levels of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The third estate has figured out Steve Cooley and his perjuring side-kick, Jacquelyn Lacey might be as sleazy as every other downtown politician. Today, the LA. Times reported that the D.A.'s office may have over-looked presenting some exculpatory evidence to the Grand Jury in the Richard Alarcon case. It appears when Cooley and his stooges are hell-bent on carrying out a political hit-job, they probably figure, why let the facts get in the way? Unfortunately, Judge Kathleen Kennedy saw it differently.
Our good friend, Betty Pleasant, who writes for The Wave newspapers, has picked up that Jacquelyn Lacey, the Chief Deputy D.A. under Cooley may be under investigation for conducting campaign like activities at the office.
Betty is eating the The Times lunch, covering an important story that the Old Hag on Spring Street refuses to touch.
Basically, Betty reported, "Sources inside the D.A.’s office have said that Sharon Matsumoto, the assistant D.A. in charge of administration, was conducting an investigation into the complaint that Chief Deputy D.A. Jacquelyn Lacey, who is running for election to succeed Cooley, had violated some rules, memoranda and directives regarding campaigning for office on “company time and space."
Betty is the first one to draw a connection by the distractions in the D.A's office, and the appearance of many long festering issues with teachers in the LA Unified School District.
Our good friend, Betty Pleasant, who writes for The Wave newspapers, has picked up that Jacquelyn Lacey, the Chief Deputy D.A. under Cooley may be under investigation for conducting campaign like activities at the office.
Betty is eating the The Times lunch, covering an important story that the Old Hag on Spring Street refuses to touch.
Basically, Betty reported, "Sources inside the D.A.’s office have said that Sharon Matsumoto, the assistant D.A. in charge of administration, was conducting an investigation into the complaint that Chief Deputy D.A. Jacquelyn Lacey, who is running for election to succeed Cooley, had violated some rules, memoranda and directives regarding campaigning for office on “company time and space."
Betty is the first one to draw a connection by the distractions in the D.A's office, and the appearance of many long festering issues with teachers in the LA Unified School District.
We know readership and circulation are dwindling, and so major media doesn't have the resources it once had, but there are many important stories that require the attention of the third estate. Rather than write fluff pieces on Mayor V and the demographics of the Motion Picture Academy, maybe the big boys at the Times can look into some of the antics at Los Angeles District Attorney's office, which will have an open seat this year.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
L.A. Times hack columnist Steve Lopez states the obvious in his Sunday column today, Los Angeles politics are almost as sleazy as Chicago politics. Well STOP THE PRESSES! Who woke old man Lopez from his 20 year nap?
What Lopez conveniently left out of his column is how L.A.'s chief Prosecutor Steve Cooley and his equally confused Chief Deputy Jacquelyn Lacey are responsible for more sleaze and corrupt practices than most of the lightweights mentioned by Lopez.
None of the pols mentioned by Lopez have committed perjury in a Federal Court case as Lacey did. None of the elected officials mentioned in the column have cost L.A. Taxpayers in excess of $5 million dollars (and counting), for their inappropriate conduct, as both Cooley and Lacey have.
Lopez also failed to mention that the L.A. Times has been complicit in a lot of the questionable and corrupt practices that have taken place in L.A. For instance, when L.A. City Attorney Carmen Trutanich screamed from the top of a mountain that the L.A. City Council complicitly approved the expenditure of millions of tax payer dollars in support of major political benefactor AEG, the L.A. Times jumped all over Trutanich and called him a bully. The Times said nothing about Councilwoman Jan Perry and Mayor Villariagosa handing out taxpayer dollars to one of their major political benefactors, in support of a private for-profit event.
The L.A. Times has said nadda about the relationship between Steve Cooley and former D.A. Robert Philobosian, whose major clients in the city of Cudahy have committed questionable acts similar to those by the former elected officials in the City of Bell.
We know the L.A.Times can dish out heaps of criticism. The question is, can they take it? I'm told, forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.
L.A. Times reporter |
What Lopez conveniently left out of his column is how L.A.'s chief Prosecutor Steve Cooley and his equally confused Chief Deputy Jacquelyn Lacey are responsible for more sleaze and corrupt practices than most of the lightweights mentioned by Lopez.
None of the pols mentioned by Lopez have committed perjury in a Federal Court case as Lacey did. None of the elected officials mentioned in the column have cost L.A. Taxpayers in excess of $5 million dollars (and counting), for their inappropriate conduct, as both Cooley and Lacey have.
Lopez also failed to mention that the L.A. Times has been complicit in a lot of the questionable and corrupt practices that have taken place in L.A. For instance, when L.A. City Attorney Carmen Trutanich screamed from the top of a mountain that the L.A. City Council complicitly approved the expenditure of millions of tax payer dollars in support of major political benefactor AEG, the L.A. Times jumped all over Trutanich and called him a bully. The Times said nothing about Councilwoman Jan Perry and Mayor Villariagosa handing out taxpayer dollars to one of their major political benefactors, in support of a private for-profit event.
The L.A. Times has said nadda about the relationship between Steve Cooley and former D.A. Robert Philobosian, whose major clients in the city of Cudahy have committed questionable acts similar to those by the former elected officials in the City of Bell.
We know the L.A.Times can dish out heaps of criticism. The question is, can they take it? I'm told, forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
One of the worst kept secrets in L.A. is that Los Angeles City Attorney CARMEN TRUTANICH is running for District Attorney. Today, he made it official.
Immediately, the sputtering campaign of Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson put out their own press release claiming Trutanich made a pledge to serve two terms. What made the Jackson press release seem all the more bizarre was it was put out by Jackson's mouthpiece, John Thomas, who was slamming an original press release put out by none other than, JOHN THOMAS, when he worked on Trutanich's campaign. In other words, John Thomas was criticizing his own press release.
And we thought we'd seen everything.
It makes perfect sense that Jackson would try to attack Trutanich because an analysis of fund raising reports filed with the County reveal that Trutanich has over 5X more cash on hand than Alan Jackson. In fact Trutanich has more cash on hand than the other six candidates in the race put together. If money talks, then these other candidates have received an early indication that the voting public is probably not too interested in their candidacy's.
Hopefully, Trutanich will demonstrate that he's worthy of the tremendous support he's received thus far.
Immediately, the sputtering campaign of Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson put out their own press release claiming Trutanich made a pledge to serve two terms. What made the Jackson press release seem all the more bizarre was it was put out by Jackson's mouthpiece, John Thomas, who was slamming an original press release put out by none other than, JOHN THOMAS, when he worked on Trutanich's campaign. In other words, John Thomas was criticizing his own press release.
And we thought we'd seen everything.
It makes perfect sense that Jackson would try to attack Trutanich because an analysis of fund raising reports filed with the County reveal that Trutanich has over 5X more cash on hand than Alan Jackson. In fact Trutanich has more cash on hand than the other six candidates in the race put together. If money talks, then these other candidates have received an early indication that the voting public is probably not too interested in their candidacy's.
Hopefully, Trutanich will demonstrate that he's worthy of the tremendous support he's received thus far.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Would you buy a used car from this man? |
Leonard made the remarks in response to an inquiry by the campaign of Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo ,who had advised Leonard that Alan Jackson had touted the endorsement of former California Governor, Pete Wilson. When Leonard asked for the source of such endorsement, the Trujillo campaign pointed to the David Berger blog, which is published under the facade of "Los Angeles Dragnet." Leonard stated emphatically and on the record, "Everyone in the newsroom knows that blog is not a reliable source. Too many journalists have been burned by that huckster" In fact, it is well-known that the Berger blog is really nothing more than an arm of the Steve Cooley/Jaquelyn Lacey political smear machine, written with the standards of your average British tabloid.
As one longtime Los Angeles political insider observed, "Instead of Page Six girls, this blog has false and sensational stories about Nuch Trutanich and Alan Jackson. It's a running joke how transparent and one note the whole thing is."
It hasn't seemed to slow Trutanich down. Last week it was reported that Trutanich received over one million dollars in donations to his exploratory District Attorney campaign, without formally declaring his candidacy. Alan Jackson and Jaquelyn Lacey have received a disappointing small fraction of that, after campaigning for over a year, with Steve Cooley's support.
The community seems to be speaking loud and clear. They're tired of Cooley, Lacey, Jackson, and their brand of management, and seem to want Trutanich. Our friends at City Watch have conducted a poll asking whether Carmen Trutanich should run for District Attorney. The results thus far have over Seventy three hundred respondents with as of this posting 75% answering "Yes, Trutanich would make an excellent DA."
A veteran reporter at another media outlet, who is known for having a keen eye when it comes to the Los Angeles political scene, commented, "Cooley and Lacey seem to be serving out their final months bathed in a fountain of sleaze. Using one of their Deputy District Attorney's to blog political smear attacks, jumps the shark. "
After Rick Orlov and several other journalists were burned by Berger and his phony blog, Jack Leonard, and several other local journalists have confirmed that Berger is as credible as a Used Car salesman. It's not surprising since over the past couple years, the downtown L.A Justice community regards Berger as if he has leprosy. Now it's apparant the L.A. Jounalism community wants nothing to do with him either.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Community leaders all around Los Angeles are celebrating the fact that Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo could become the first openly gay District Attorney of Los Angeles County. Trujillo, who has two children from a former marriage decided to switch teams ten years after exchanging vows with his beautiful bride in order to pursue his openly homosexual lifestyle.
What makes Mr. Trujillo so unique is that a conerstone of his platform includes a pledge to promote more gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders into high ranking positions in the District Attorney's office. He has agressively sought and received the endorsement of many LGBT organizations, despite the advice of some of his former high paid consultants not to highlight this controversial issue.
As one member of his campaign told Dragnet L.A., "Look, he's here, he's queer, get used to it." Trujillo has told several audiences in recent months, "If I'm elected, I will open the doors to transgenders of all nationalities. They will serve in my administration, open and proud." Quite a bold statement for someone seeking the job of top prosecutor in a County the size of L.A.
The question buzzing through L.A. political circles is whether he can actually mount a serious campaign with a war chest close to $300,000. Time will tell.
We don't need no stinkin' Cooley. |
What makes Mr. Trujillo so unique is that a conerstone of his platform includes a pledge to promote more gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders into high ranking positions in the District Attorney's office. He has agressively sought and received the endorsement of many LGBT organizations, despite the advice of some of his former high paid consultants not to highlight this controversial issue.
As one member of his campaign told Dragnet L.A., "Look, he's here, he's queer, get used to it." Trujillo has told several audiences in recent months, "If I'm elected, I will open the doors to transgenders of all nationalities. They will serve in my administration, open and proud." Quite a bold statement for someone seeking the job of top prosecutor in a County the size of L.A.
The question buzzing through L.A. political circles is whether he can actually mount a serious campaign with a war chest close to $300,000. Time will tell.
Monday, January 9, 2012
One of these will work. |
District Attorney candidate Alan "Jacko" Jackson has been caught lying about receiving the endorsement of former California Governor Pete Wilson. The Dragnet can report to you that this was all a bald face hoax!!!
The alleged endorsement was first broken on Deputy D.A. David Berger's blog, Los Angeles Dragnet on December 12, 2011. Since then, there has been no formal announcement from Wilson, and no formal press release has been posted on the Jackson campaign website. Obviously, an endorsement from someone as prominent as Pete Wilson would've been posted as soon as it happened, and certainly through a more respectable outlet than David Berger's blog, which has been shown time and again to post false information. But in one month, nothing. No quote from Pete and no official announcement from the campaign.
Word inside the District Attorney's office is that as soon as Steve Cooley heard about the potential endorsement, he put a stop to it. He told Pete Wilson, under no uncertain terms, "Alan Jackson is a loser and you will just be endorsing another loser. Keep your powder dry."
Knowing this story was going to break, the Jackson campaign has been in damage mode all day long, hoping to lessen the impact. When Jackson campaign manager John Thomas was reached on the phone, and confronted with this information, he slammed down the phone. Sources have said the Jackson campaign has been calling their key supporters begging them not to jump ship once this information surfaces.
A source inside the campaign of Mario Trujillo laughed when they heard the news, and replied "Figures." Our phone calls to the prospective campaign of Los Angeles City Attorney, Carmen Trutanich were not returned. Neither was our call to the Jackie Lacey campaign.
Dragnet L.A. will get to the bottom of this poop. Stay tuned!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Just back from a nice two week vacation on the Hawaiian Islands.
Thanks for all the hot tips everyone sent over the holidays. We’re investigating all of them and hope to be reporting on many of them in the coming days.
Just finished watching that freak show otherwise known as the Republican Debates.
The more these knuckleheads talk, the more President Obama’s numbers go up.
It seems the America public is getting an up close view of what these extremist wackos are all about, and running back to support the President in droves.
Has-been Mitt Romney can’t seem to crack the 25% mark. In the Iowa Caucus he received a few less votes than that other has-been, Rick Santorum. *For fun, Google the word “Santorum”
All the newspapers in New Hampshire have endorsed everyone but Romney. However, Romney was endorsed by Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell. She said, “Mitt Romney has been consistent since he changed his position on every issue.” So there! Can’t beat that endorsement.
Thankfully there weren’t any major headlines while we were away, except maybe “The Hollywood Arsonist. *We’ve already trademarked the name.
Fire department furlough day |
Several Deputy D.A.’s had to suspend their campaigns long enough to get back to work, and file papers against the man-child accused of these crimes.
Steve Cooley had to put down the booze, and sober up long enough to grandstand for the cameras and make sure the public could notice the similarities between him and the main-child. They’re both chubby, confused, glassy-eyed, etc etc. I mean, if the shoe fits, which I’m sure it doesn’t……..
I won! Goodnight. |
P.S. Expect Steve Cooley to declare victory in the District Attorney’s race any day now. That’s right, you read it correctly. Once again, against the advice of his political consultants, he will probably down a couple of belts and publicly declare victory in the District Attorney’s race, similar to how he did it in the Attorney General’s race. This will not be good news for Jackie Lacey, Mario Trujillo or Deputy D.A. Alan “Jacko” Jackson, who’s still clearing the dung off his face after getting the Pete Wilson endorsement. Cooley seems hell-bent on crushing Mario Trujillo and Alan Jackson’s campaigns any way he knows how. One would think sending Jacko Pete Wilson and John Thomas would do the trick, but Cooley wants to “finish him off” as Tony Soprano used to say.
That's the guy who ruined my campaign! |
Well, whoop dee dew dah.! Que the band! Stop the presses! Is this really BIG NEWS?
Thank you, but I'm not suppose to take checks on City property. |
Sure, he just passed the $150,000 mark in campaign contributions, however that only amounts to approximately $50,000 in cash on hand. Considering the other candidates Eric Garcetti, Wendy Greuel, and Jan Perry have raised over $1,000,000, and Austin Beutner can write himself a $5,000,000 dollar check, Kevin has a lot of catching up to do.
Those who enjoy political debates for entertainment purposes will enjoy Kevin debating all the City Hall insiders. We wish him luck, and hope for his sake, he gets more votes than Zuma Dogg.
I'm a legend. Just ask me. |
Also, it seems while we were away, the Occupy L.A. folks have gone from complaining that L.A. City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has put too much energy into prosecuting them, to now complaining that he’s not putting enough energy into prosecuting them. They need to make up their mind. They’ve gone from protesting financial inequity caused by Wall Street and the major banks, to whimpering about being arrested and having to go through the judicial process. I hope Trutanich sentences these fools to watching a full episode of the TV show “Barretta”, and then making them write a hundred times on a chalkboard, “DON’T DO THE CRIME, IF YOU CAN’T DO THE TIME”, and keep your eyyyyyyyyyyeeee on the sparrow……...
and dats da name of dat tune! |
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