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Sunday, February 26, 2012


L.A. Times reporter
L.A. Times hack columnist Steve Lopez states the obvious in his Sunday column today, Los Angeles politics are almost as sleazy as Chicago politics. Well STOP THE PRESSES! Who woke old man Lopez from his 20 year nap?
What Lopez conveniently left out of his column is how L.A.'s chief Prosecutor Steve Cooley and his equally confused Chief Deputy Jacquelyn Lacey are responsible for more sleaze and corrupt practices than most of the lightweights mentioned by Lopez.

None of the pols mentioned by Lopez have committed perjury in a Federal Court case as Lacey did. None of the elected officials mentioned in the column have cost L.A. Taxpayers in excess of $5 million dollars (and counting), for their inappropriate conduct, as both Cooley and Lacey have.

Lopez also failed to mention that the L.A. Times has been complicit in a lot of the questionable and corrupt practices that have taken place in L.A. For instance, when L.A. City Attorney Carmen Trutanich screamed from the top of a mountain that the L.A. City Council complicitly approved the expenditure of millions of tax payer dollars in support of major political benefactor AEG, the L.A. Times jumped all over Trutanich and called him a bully.  The Times said nothing about Councilwoman Jan Perry and Mayor Villariagosa handing out taxpayer dollars to one of their major political benefactors, in support of a private for-profit event.

The L.A. Times has said nadda about the relationship between Steve Cooley and former D.A. Robert Philobosian, whose major clients in the city of Cudahy have committed questionable acts similar to those by the former elected officials in the City of Bell.

We know the L.A.Times can dish out heaps of criticism. The question is, can they take it?  I'm told, forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


One of the worst kept secrets in L.A. is that Los Angeles City Attorney CARMEN TRUTANICH is running for District Attorney.  Today, he made it official.

Immediately, the sputtering campaign of Deputy District Attorney Alan Jackson put out their own press release claiming Trutanich made a pledge to serve two terms.  What made the Jackson press release seem all the more bizarre was it was put out by Jackson's mouthpiece, John Thomas, who was slamming an original press release put out by none other than, JOHN THOMAS, when he worked on Trutanich's campaign.  In other words, John Thomas was criticizing his own press release.

And we thought we'd seen everything. 

It makes perfect sense that Jackson would try to attack Trutanich because an analysis of fund raising reports filed with the County reveal that Trutanich has over 5X more cash on hand than Alan Jackson.  In fact Trutanich has more cash on hand than the other six candidates in the race put together. If money talks, then these other candidates have received an early indication that the voting public is probably not too interested in their candidacy's.

Hopefully, Trutanich will demonstrate that he's worthy of the tremendous support he's received thus far.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Would you buy a used car from this man?
L.A. TIMES reporter and Steve Cooley crony, JACK LEONARD is on record stating emphatically that "L.A. Dragnet",  the downtown blog written by Deputy District Attorney David Berger, (a Steve Cooley  butt boy), "is not a reliable source."

Leonard made the remarks in response to an inquiry by the campaign of Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo ,who had advised Leonard that Alan Jackson had touted the endorsement of former California Governor, Pete Wilson.  When Leonard asked for the source of such endorsement, the Trujillo campaign pointed to the David Berger blog, which is published under the facade of "Los Angeles Dragnet." Leonard stated emphatically and on the record, "Everyone in the newsroom knows that blog is not a reliable source. Too many journalists have been burned by that huckster"  In fact, it is well-known that the Berger blog is really nothing more than an arm of the Steve Cooley/Jaquelyn Lacey political smear machine, written with the standards of your average British tabloid.

As one longtime Los Angeles political insider observed, "Instead of Page Six girls, this blog has false and sensational stories about Nuch Trutanich and Alan Jackson. It's a running joke how transparent and one note the whole thing is."

It hasn't seemed to slow Trutanich down. Last week it was reported that Trutanich received over one million dollars in donations to his exploratory District Attorney campaign, without formally declaring his candidacy. Alan Jackson and Jaquelyn Lacey have received a disappointing small fraction of that, after campaigning for over a year, with Steve Cooley's support. 

The community seems to be speaking loud and clear.  They're tired of Cooley, Lacey, Jackson, and their brand of management, and seem to want Trutanich. Our friends at City Watch have conducted a poll asking whether Carmen Trutanich should run for District Attorney. The results thus far have over Seventy three hundred respondents with as of this posting 75% answering "Yes, Trutanich would make an excellent DA."

A veteran reporter at another media outlet, who is known for having a keen eye when it comes to the Los Angeles political scene, commented, "Cooley and Lacey seem to be serving out their final months bathed in a fountain of sleaze. Using one of their Deputy District Attorney's to blog political smear attacks, jumps the shark. "

After Rick Orlov and several other journalists were burned by Berger and his phony blog, Jack Leonard, and several other local journalists have confirmed that Berger is as credible as a Used Car salesman. It's not surprising since over the past couple years, the downtown L.A Justice community regards Berger as if he has leprosy. Now it's apparant the L.A. Jounalism community wants nothing to do with him either.