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Monday, December 12, 2011

Mario Trujillo bitch slaps Steve Cooley

We don't need no stinkin' Cooley
Too bad Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo doesn’t read this blog.  It wasn’t but 2 weeks ago that we posted our information about Steve Cooley’s political smear machine inside the District Attorney’s office.  Foolishly, Mario walked right into the buzz saw.

Last week the aspiring politician sent out a fund raising email asking potential donors to send him their Christmas money for his sputtering campaign. In the process, attempting to demonstrate he’s a “reformer” he threw in some lines about how the “District Attonrey’s Office” is fucked up (we’re paraphrasing), “and only he has” the cajones to turn things around. (still paraphrasing)

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Problem is, nobody was buying this crap.

See, Cooley and Mario Trujillo are part of the same management team, which has failed the citizens of LA County for over a decade. If Mario thought things were run so poorly, and reform is desperately needed, then what the hell has Mario been doing all these years?

The irony is Mario is a co-defendant with Steve Cooley and Jackie Lacey in the anti-labor and anti-union lawsuits which were only partially settled against them, costing taxpayers at least $600,000 and probably millions more, not to mention the legal fees that taxpayers will have to pay for the private attorneys hired from the Jones Day law firm which will probably double that amount.

Mario hoped to raise money from a gullible and uninformed crowd by writing "I have seen how archaic and inefficient policies of the D.A.'s office have delayed justice for victims, wasted taxpayer money, and put our community at risk."

Does Mario’s "reform plan" include management personally paying for the damage they cause rather than “wasting taxpayer money” by sticking taxpayers with the bill? Then, to further embellish his dexterity at talking out of both sides of his mouth, Trujillo told the Met News, this fundraising e-mail was “not attacking the administration,”  and “in no way was it meant to be a criticism of my boss.” WTF?

Cooley spokesperson Sandi Gibbons was correct, when she called Trujillo’s two-faced comments "disappointing"?! One high-ranking official in the D.A.’s office has told the Dragnet, “It’s a shame Mario’s feeble campaign has resorted so quickly to throwing his colleagues under the bus. But maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. Mario’s role in Cooley’s union busting tactics included snitching on his colleagues who merely wanted labor representation in the D.A.'s office.  It’s obvious he’s now trying to distance himself from his co-horts, Steve Cooley and Jackie Lacey.”  Question is, will the Latino and legal communities back a disloyal snitch?  Probably not. What’s your opinion?


Anonymous said...

Mario is known in the office as Two-faced Trujillo. Everyone thinks his campaign is a joke.

Anonymous said...

Cooley has his attack dogs pulling out the long knives. Berger has been home all weekend sharpening his teeth.

Mario might want to get a campaign intern to start his car in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget that most of the Assistant District Attorney's hate Trujillo because he has consistently been a union buster. And now he is out there trying to pass himself off as a progressive.

Jackie Lacey had it right when she said "sometimes…what can happen to people who venture into the political arena is that they will come up with a theme or a message that they believe that their constituency wants to hear, and that message may not be accurate.”

That was a nice way of saying Mario and his platform are completely full of shit. Jackie's too classy to put it that bluntly.

Anonymous said...

The President of MABA has pledged his support to Trutanich. That tells you everything.

Anonymous said...

Mario has the gay and transgender vote locked up. If he wins, don't be surprised if the entire 18th floor is made up of cross-dressers.

Anonymous said...

Finally, someone else is throwing the corrupt managment under the bus. Cooley, Jackson, Lacey, and Trujillo are all part of the conspiracy. Trutanich has raised 600,000 and told a friend of mine that he will announce when he has a million dollars. All of these phony's are going to drop out when Nuch gets in and Cooley panick and jumps back in. Maybe Trujillo will give them all the bird. Let's face it he could get a huge percentage of the vote. Musante getting in the race will shake up his voters though. Musante will get 5 percent. Good for him for getting in on the race. Now we need a Torres or a Lopez. Any volunteers?

Anonymous said...

If Mario Trujillo gets elected, there will be mass mutiny in the office. Everyone hates this guiless self promoter.

Anonymous said...

Mario's campaign is relying on votes from illegal aliens and Marijuana dispensary owners.

Supposedly he's campaigning heavily around the Twin Towers.

Anonymous said...

Alan Jackson was just endorseed by Pete Wilson. Can the American Nazi party be too far behind?

Anonymous said...

Mario has sent out an email promoting a link to his endorsements saying that "this link is so telling."

I think the link to this blog which I posted on my facebook page is more telling about Mario.

Anonymous said...

Pete Wilson is a joke. He was Cooley's co-chair and it didn't help Cooley at all. And Cooley was a much stronger candidate than Alan Jerk-off son.

These Republicans. They just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Who writes this crap? Is it Berger the washed up politician who couldn't get elected dog catcher?

What a low life scum. The fact that Cooley keeps you around tells me Mario is correct. It's time for change at the top.

Anonymous said...

We don't need no Stinkin' Cooley!! Sorry. I just can't stop saying it!

We don't need no Stinkin' Cooley - and with an accent... it keeps me laughing all the way to work...