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Monday, January 9, 2012


One of these will work.

District Attorney candidate Alan "Jacko" Jackson has been caught lying about receiving the endorsement of former California Governor Pete Wilson.  The Dragnet can report to you that this was all a bald face hoax!!!

The alleged endorsement was first broken on Deputy D.A. David Berger's blog, Los Angeles Dragnet on December 12, 2011.  Since then, there has been no formal announcement from Wilson, and no formal press release has been posted on the Jackson campaign website. Obviously, an endorsement from someone as prominent as Pete Wilson would've been posted as soon as it happened, and certainly through a more respectable outlet than David Berger's blog, which has been shown time and again to post false information. But in one month, nothing. No quote from Pete and no official announcement from the campaign.

Word inside the District Attorney's office is that as soon as Steve Cooley heard about the potential endorsement, he put a stop to it. He told Pete Wilson, under no uncertain terms, "Alan Jackson is a loser and you will just be endorsing another loser. Keep your powder dry."

Knowing this story was going to break, the Jackson campaign has been in damage mode all day long, hoping to lessen the impact. When Jackson campaign manager John Thomas was reached on the phone, and confronted with this information, he slammed down the phone. Sources have said the Jackson campaign has been calling their key supporters begging them not to jump ship once this information surfaces.

A source inside the campaign of Mario Trujillo laughed when they heard the news, and replied "Figures." Our phone calls to the prospective campaign of Los Angeles City Attorney, Carmen Trutanich were not returned.  Neither was our call to the Jackie Lacey campaign.

Dragnet L.A. will get to the bottom of this poop. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Not surprising. Alan Jackson is a sanctimonious prick with no platform and no good reason for running other than his oversized ego.

Jackie Lacey's housekeeper would be a better D.A. than Jerko.

Anonymous said...

Mario Trujillo told me this information 2 weeks ago. Where ya been?

Anonymous said...

Everything on the David Berger blog is bullshit. Last year he was peddling crap that Jackie was endorsed by the L.A. County Fed. That turned out to be a big, fat lie too.

If it comes out on Berger's blog, you know it's crap. Thanks for the good reporting here.

Anonymous said...

Cooley probably put a stop to it because as soon as Trutanich announces, Cooley will get back in and Jacko, Lacey the glow ball, and creepy Trujillo will all get out and part the waters for the drunk friend of Jim Adams.

Anonymous said...

This is a bombshell!!! It pretty much ends Jackson's campaign. What self-respecting Republican would now get behind this turd.

Anonymous said...

This is nothing, the Trujillo camp has a large book on Jackson. He's done.

Anonymous said...

Very perceptive, Dragnet. Doesn't Jackson have an obligation to confirm or deny the endorsement?

I noticed Dennis Zine is no longer endorsing Alan Jackson anymore.

Anonymous said...

Mario will wipe the floor with Jackson. Wait til the fundraising totals are released next week, you'll see who has more support.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to make it to Saturdays debate at Luminarias at 1pm to report on the candidates? I hope so. I wonder if Jackson will comment on his false endorsement.