L.A. Times reporter |
What Lopez conveniently left out of his column is how L.A.'s chief Prosecutor Steve Cooley and his equally confused Chief Deputy Jacquelyn Lacey are responsible for more sleaze and corrupt practices than most of the lightweights mentioned by Lopez.
None of the pols mentioned by Lopez have committed perjury in a Federal Court case as Lacey did. None of the elected officials mentioned in the column have cost L.A. Taxpayers in excess of $5 million dollars (and counting), for their inappropriate conduct, as both Cooley and Lacey have.
Lopez also failed to mention that the L.A. Times has been complicit in a lot of the questionable and corrupt practices that have taken place in L.A. For instance, when L.A. City Attorney Carmen Trutanich screamed from the top of a mountain that the L.A. City Council complicitly approved the expenditure of millions of tax payer dollars in support of major political benefactor AEG, the L.A. Times jumped all over Trutanich and called him a bully. The Times said nothing about Councilwoman Jan Perry and Mayor Villariagosa handing out taxpayer dollars to one of their major political benefactors, in support of a private for-profit event.
The L.A. Times has said nadda about the relationship between Steve Cooley and former D.A. Robert Philobosian, whose major clients in the city of Cudahy have committed questionable acts similar to those by the former elected officials in the City of Bell.
We know the L.A.Times can dish out heaps of criticism. The question is, can they take it? I'm told, forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.
Any wonder the Times circulation continues to plummet. They've become a rag of their former self.
Claiming there is sleaze and corruption in L.A. is so hypocritical.
Steve Lopez is a hack. He always focuses on some poor, down on their luck, citizen, but rarely focuses on the poverty pimps who profit off these poor schmucks.
I'm sure the L.A. Times will be booting Lopez any day now.
You completely forgot to mention the fact that Cooley failed to prosecute the child molesters in the Catholic church, the same arch disease (that's right not archdiocese) where he attended on Sundays. What about his own DAs with DUIs who have been disciplined by the State Bar, but magically promoted to grade V months before they retire so they can take a higher pension percent from the tax payers. What about the Brady evidence that has been covered up that the union exposed, the same union that put Lacey's purgering lips on the stand. Just thought I would remind everyone of those few things. Just small ones that the LA Times can't remember to conjur up from the deepest portion of their memory centers. Sleaze doesn't even touch the putrid rank of the slimy character and of these shady individuals who have destroyed the reputation of the DAs office.
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