Our good friend, Betty Pleasant, who writes for The Wave newspapers, has picked up that Jacquelyn Lacey, the Chief Deputy D.A. under Cooley may be under investigation for conducting campaign like activities at the office.
Betty is eating the The Times lunch, covering an important story that the Old Hag on Spring Street refuses to touch.
Basically, Betty reported, "Sources inside the D.A.’s office have said that Sharon Matsumoto, the assistant D.A. in charge of administration, was conducting an investigation into the complaint that Chief Deputy D.A. Jacquelyn Lacey, who is running for election to succeed Cooley, had violated some rules, memoranda and directives regarding campaigning for office on “company time and space."
Betty is the first one to draw a connection by the distractions in the D.A's office, and the appearance of many long festering issues with teachers in the LA Unified School District.
We know readership and circulation are dwindling, and so major media doesn't have the resources it once had, but there are many important stories that require the attention of the third estate. Rather than write fluff pieces on Mayor V and the demographics of the Motion Picture Academy, maybe the big boys at the Times can look into some of the antics at Los Angeles District Attorney's office, which will have an open seat this year.
The L.A. Times is a rag. It's sad to see it disentegrate into a 3rd rate newspaper.
Supposedly, Lacey has been putting the stiff arm to attorneys in the office to support her campaign. She hasn't found many takers and many are intimidated by the pressure.
I doubt the LA Times will write anything about it. They're in the bag for Cooley. Everyone downtown knows it.
Cooley and Lacey allow that sleaze David Berger to collect a County salary while he writes his hit pieces all day and sends out tweets. That sums it up about these creeps.
My dog loves the L.A. Times. Helps him move his bowels. Keep up the good reporting Dragnet.
LA TIMES is such a shitty newspaper. Now they're trying to charge for on-line looks. Yeah, as if that's going to work.
How about the courtroom where Lacey took her webpage pictures? Where was that located? County property? Also, what about the fact that Hyatt Seligman announced at an ADDA board meeting that Jackie Lacey called him downtown on county time to discuss the ADDA endorsement for her candidacy.
These creeps will protect themselves because the lamestream meadia are less than crdible.
Perfect chance for our little pergerer to exit the race gracefully so Cooley can switch his support to Jackson.
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