My Blog List

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I'm a legend. Just ask me.
Self admitted mentally ill blogger David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsman has asked suspected mentally ill blogger and L.A Loser David "Junk-yard Dogg" Berger to stop sending him his manufactured nonsense via his corny twitter account.
Today, in a tweet to Berger's L.A. Dragnet twitter account, Zuma, the L.A. Legend and Mayoral Candidate pleaded with Berger to "stop sending me" your asinine tweets.  See the Tweet below.

@DragnetLA: Does it require a cash payment to have you stop sending me "@"ZumaDogg tweets? It would REALLY improve the quality of my life. about 8 hours ago

It seems as though the blogging community has finally figured out that Berger can be counted on for nothing more than an endless stream of fabricated anti Trutanich vitriol which has done nothing but propel Trutanich into the front-runners spot in the race to become L.A.County's next District Attorney.

But I stay up all night sending out these tweets

Sunday, March 11, 2012


What are you lookin' at?
Deputy District Attorney David Berger, a main henchman in the Steve Cooley-Jacquelyn Lacey smear machine, has officially "shit the bed."  Last week he posted several posts that were complete crap. We point this out to highlight that some blogs tell the truth, and some peddle complete fiction.

First, Berger posted some phony poll in the race for Los Angeles County D.A.  It was an "unofficial" poll supposedly conducted by an "unknown, unnamed, and unidentified group. " There was no data for sampling size, margin of error, methodology, or anything that a real poll would include. Berger simply invented the data. in order to disparage Lacey's competition in the D.A's race. The only fact Berger got right was that Lacey was losing the race behind Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich, and Deputy District Attorneys Alan Jackson and Mario Trujillo.

Then, Berger claimed Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo was dropping out of the race for Los Angeles County D.A. because he was going to run for Los Angeles City Attorney.  Trujillo put out a statement saying "he was dropping out due to health considerations."

Berger ended the week with a totally fraudulent claim that FOX L.A's newsman Jeff Michaels ambushed Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich in a live televised interview last Friday afternoon. Jeff Michaels responded with a Twitter message that said "the interview wasn't an ambush." One examination of the  interview, which is available at  will show that Michaels asked topical questions and Trutanich tried to focus on the issues.

What's even more head scratching is that Berger seems to have aligned himself with David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsman, an admitted mentally ill blogger and candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles.

The lame stream media finds Berger has no credibility, and most reputable blogs won't go near him with a 10 foot poll. The only publication that references him is the Metropolitan News, and that's only because they're part of the Cooley-Lacey political smear operation. Just check out all their articles criticizing the ADDA (Association of Deputy District Attorneys), but nothing on all the lawsuits the County is paying for all of Cooley's & Lacey's union busting tactics.

It's one thing for an unemployed, mentally-ill, homeless chap to blog about various issues, it's quite another for a Deputy District Attorney who is an Officer of the Court, and a member of the State Bar of California to put out 100%  fabricated nonsense in an effort to spread disinformation and smear political opponents.

This may be another reason why change is needed at the highest levels of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


The third estate has figured out Steve Cooley and his perjuring side-kick, Jacquelyn Lacey might be as sleazy as every other downtown politician. Today, the LA. Times reported that the D.A.'s office may have over-looked presenting some exculpatory evidence to the Grand Jury in the Richard Alarcon case. It appears when Cooley and his stooges are hell-bent on carrying out a political hit-job, they probably figure, why let the facts get in the way? Unfortunately, Judge Kathleen Kennedy saw it differently.

Our good friend, Betty Pleasant, who writes for The Wave newspapers, has picked up that Jacquelyn Lacey, the Chief Deputy D.A. under Cooley may be under investigation for conducting campaign like activities at the office.

Betty is eating the The Times lunch, covering an important story that the Old Hag on Spring Street refuses to touch.

Basically, Betty reported, "Sources inside the D.A.’s office have said that Sharon Matsumoto, the assistant D.A. in charge of administration, was conducting an investigation into the complaint that Chief Deputy D.A. Jacquelyn Lacey, who is running for election to succeed Cooley, had violated some rules, memoranda and directives regarding campaigning for office on “company time and space."

Betty is the first one to draw a connection by the distractions in the D.A's office, and the appearance of many long festering issues with teachers in the LA Unified School District.

We know readership and circulation are dwindling, and so major media doesn't have the resources it once had, but there are many important stories that require the attention of the third estate. Rather than write fluff pieces on Mayor V and the demographics of the Motion Picture Academy, maybe the big boys at the Times can look into some of the antics at Los Angeles District Attorney's office, which will have an open seat this year.