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Thursday, January 26, 2012


We don't need no stinkin' Cooley.
 Community leaders all around Los Angeles are celebrating the fact that Deputy District Attorney Mario Trujillo could become the first openly gay District Attorney of Los Angeles County. Trujillo, who has two children from a former marriage decided to switch teams ten years after exchanging vows with his beautiful bride in order to pursue his openly homosexual lifestyle.

What makes Mr. Trujillo so unique is that a conerstone of his platform includes a pledge to promote more gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders into high ranking positions in the District Attorney's office. He has agressively sought and received the endorsement of many LGBT organizations, despite the advice of some of his former high paid consultants not to highlight this controversial issue.

As one member of his campaign told Dragnet L.A., "Look, he's here, he's queer, get used to it." Trujillo has told several audiences in recent months, "If I'm elected, I will open the doors to transgenders of all nationalities. They will serve in my administration, open and proud." Quite a bold statement for someone seeking the job of top prosecutor in a County the size of L.A.

The question buzzing through L.A. political circles is whether he can actually mount a serious campaign with a war chest close to $300,000. Time will tell.

Monday, January 9, 2012


One of these will work.

District Attorney candidate Alan "Jacko" Jackson has been caught lying about receiving the endorsement of former California Governor Pete Wilson.  The Dragnet can report to you that this was all a bald face hoax!!!

The alleged endorsement was first broken on Deputy D.A. David Berger's blog, Los Angeles Dragnet on December 12, 2011.  Since then, there has been no formal announcement from Wilson, and no formal press release has been posted on the Jackson campaign website. Obviously, an endorsement from someone as prominent as Pete Wilson would've been posted as soon as it happened, and certainly through a more respectable outlet than David Berger's blog, which has been shown time and again to post false information. But in one month, nothing. No quote from Pete and no official announcement from the campaign.

Word inside the District Attorney's office is that as soon as Steve Cooley heard about the potential endorsement, he put a stop to it. He told Pete Wilson, under no uncertain terms, "Alan Jackson is a loser and you will just be endorsing another loser. Keep your powder dry."

Knowing this story was going to break, the Jackson campaign has been in damage mode all day long, hoping to lessen the impact. When Jackson campaign manager John Thomas was reached on the phone, and confronted with this information, he slammed down the phone. Sources have said the Jackson campaign has been calling their key supporters begging them not to jump ship once this information surfaces.

A source inside the campaign of Mario Trujillo laughed when they heard the news, and replied "Figures." Our phone calls to the prospective campaign of Los Angeles City Attorney, Carmen Trutanich were not returned.  Neither was our call to the Jackie Lacey campaign.

Dragnet L.A. will get to the bottom of this poop. Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Just back from a nice two week vacation on the Hawaiian Islands.

Thanks for all the hot tips everyone sent over the holidays. We’re investigating all of them and hope to be reporting on many of them in the coming days.

Just finished watching that freak show otherwise known as the Republican Debates.

The more these knuckleheads talk, the more President Obama’s numbers go up.

It seems the America public is getting an up close view of what these extremist wackos are all about, and running back to support the President in droves.

Has-been Mitt Romney can’t seem to crack the 25% mark.  In the Iowa Caucus he received a few less votes than that other has-been, Rick Santorum. *For fun, Google the word “Santorum”

All the newspapers in New Hampshire have endorsed everyone but Romney.  However, Romney was endorsed by Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell. She said, “Mitt Romney has been consistent since he changed his position on every issue.” So there! Can’t beat that endorsement.

Thankfully there weren’t any major headlines while we were away, except maybe “The Hollywood Arsonist. *We’ve already trademarked the name. 
Fire department furlough day
Several Deputy D.A.’s had to suspend their campaigns long enough to get back to work, and file papers against the man-child accused of these crimes.

Steve Cooley had to put down the booze, and sober up long enough to grandstand for the cameras and make sure the public could notice the similarities between him and the main-child. They’re both chubby, confused, glassy-eyed, etc etc.  I mean, if the shoe fits, which I’m sure it doesn’t……..

I won! Goodnight.
P.S. Expect Steve Cooley to declare victory in the District Attorney’s race any day now.  That’s right, you read it correctly. Once again, against the advice of his political consultants, he will probably down a couple of belts and publicly declare victory in the District Attorney’s race, similar to how he did it in the Attorney General’s race. This will not be good news for Jackie Lacey, Mario Trujillo or Deputy D.A. Alan “Jacko” Jackson, who’s still clearing the dung off his face after getting the Pete Wilson endorsement.  Cooley seems hell-bent on crushing Mario Trujillo and Alan Jackson’s campaigns any way he knows how. One would think sending Jacko Pete Wilson and John Thomas would do the trick, but Cooley wants to “finish him off” as Tony Soprano used to say.

That's the guy who ruined my campaign!
And speaking of John Thomas, it looks like his other big client, Kevin James has qualified for matching funds while we were away.

Well, whoop dee dew dah.!  Que the band! Stop the presses! Is this really BIG NEWS?

Thank you, but I'm not suppose to take checks on City property.
Kevin’s a good guy and could probably do a better job than the current occupant of the Mayor’s office, but right now his chances of qualifying for the run-off are slim to none.

Sure, he just passed the $150,000 mark in campaign contributions, however that only amounts to approximately $50,000 in cash on hand.  Considering the other candidates Eric Garcetti, Wendy Greuel, and Jan Perry have raised over $1,000,000, and Austin Beutner can write himself a $5,000,000 dollar check, Kevin has a lot of catching up to do.

Those who enjoy political debates for entertainment purposes will enjoy Kevin debating all the City Hall insiders.  We wish him luck, and hope for his sake, he gets more votes than Zuma Dogg.

I'm a legend. Just ask me.
Also, it seems while we were away, the Occupy L.A. folks have gone from complaining that L.A. City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has put too much energy into prosecuting them, to now complaining that he’s not putting enough energy into prosecuting them. They need to make up their mind. They’ve gone from protesting financial inequity caused by Wall Street and the major banks, to whimpering about being arrested and having to go through the judicial process.  I hope Trutanich sentences these fools to watching a full episode of the TV show “Barretta”, and then making them write a hundred times on a chalkboard, “DON’T DO THE CRIME, IF YOU CAN’T DO THE TIME”, and keep your eyyyyyyyyyyeeee on the sparrow……...
and dats da name of dat tune!